Emotional Literacy Academy Information


Dear Friends, in today's fast paced, uncertain world:

- Reports of corruption and back-room deals make headlines daily
- Political rifts divide friends and family members
- Fear is rampant, many feel isolated and powerless 
- Lies are more common that truth, and little is as it seems

The challenges you face as you search for personal happiness, success and fulfillment are greater than they have ever been!

The protective masks you put on, for very good reasons, over time become invisible blocks that stop you from living fully, consciously, authentically. They also block you from accessing your true potential. You may wonder if you will ever get what you truly want.

You remember having BIG dreams! Yes, you try not to, but...  they keep shimmering in the back of your mind... Reminding you there is MORE to life than endlessly striving to "just get by." 

DO NOT give up on your dreams! And if you already have, there ARE ways to revive and revise them! 

Are you ready to BREAK FREE?  To create your new 'normal?'

Are you curious about what's (still) possible? For you?  For your life?   

⬇  I Invite You to Take a Look ⬇ 

Take a Sneak Peek at 

What's Inside...



Each Module delivers an exciting inner adventure, blazes trails for new, more enjoyable choices and more effective life strategies.   Learn how to build a deeper, richer relationship with yourself, close friends and family members.   Uncover your hidden passions, release limiting beliefs, reclaim your power, potential. and
fulfill your deepest needs.
  You've got questions?
Dr. Pat has answers.


What's Covered in Each of the 12 Modules?

Let’s take a quick run through each one, so you’ll get a sense of what the

program covers, what you will learn, and how it can transform your life.

MODULE 1: The Power of Self-Disclosure

When secrets are shared, they lose their power to shame us, to make us feel like we're alone in our missteps, challenges or mistakes.

If you’ve been carrying heavy secrets, you'll gain a palpable sense of relief when you "Clear Your Emotional Clutter" and release the pain trapped in old memories.

By sharing your authentic self with someone you trust, you'll gain freedom, become more productive, happier, and communicate more effectively.

MODULE 2: Fully Experiencing Life in the Moment

Access the power of the moment by suspending judgement, ejecting your inner critic and welcoming new experiences. And whether you are typically an observer in life, or an active participant… you can enjoy the best of both worlds.

You'll also learn how to choose what triggers you, calmly excel in situations of conflict, resolve issues quickly, and easily navigate the emotional turbulence of fear and anger.


MODULE 3: Do You Hide Your True Self?

In this Module, you’ll explore situations where it seems smarter to ‘act as if’ you are who others expect you to be, than your true self. You’ll also identify the life experiences that led you to make choices that cost you your health, happiness, and blocked you from attaining your life purpose.

Nothing compares to 'being real', however there ARE good reasons to put on a mask. Get crystal clear on when, where and with whom to mask and develop an emotional ‘early warning system’ to protect you from users and manipulators.

MODULE 4: Moving Through Openness to Vulnerability, Fear and Courage

Being real, participating with purpose and passionate curiosity, makes you more vital, and alive! By moving through your fears and allowing yourself to be truly vulnerable, the possibility of greatness opens up.

This module maps out your path to becoming more emotionally transparent, and making your best life choices from a place of authenticity.


MODULE 5: Becoming More Whole and More Real

In this Module, you'll resolve old hurts and shift your mindset to change your story.

To prepare you embrace and appreciate your ‘real, conscious’ Self, you'll earn practices that guide you expose all of your beauty; intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical.



MODULE 6: Being Perfectly Imperfect

This Module, explores "different" as interesting and desirable. Harness the courage to share your stories, release your regrets, shame or guilt and all of a sudden, what you once considered imperfect gains immense value.

When you can simply state, “Yes, that happened, so what?”, you're on the path to healing, to becoming whole, to living the life you desire, to embracing your differences and living consciously.




MODULE 7: Loving Who You Really Are

When you love your Self you become happier and your relationships become more fulfilling. Use this Module's enlightening practices to uncover and own your vulnerabilities, get clear about who you are and want you from life.

Becoming more real and conscious equips you to live the authentic life that exceeds your wildest dreams.




MODULE 8: Break Out of Self-Imprisonment

In this Module, you’ll change the emotional responses that have kept you stuck or shut down. Free yourself and release the beautiful, unique desires you’ve kept under lock and key.

The practices taught in this Module will enable you reclaim your innocent mindset and lift the protective shields that block you from real joy, true intimacy, and deep passion.



MODULE 9: Find Your Life Purpose

Living your life purpose delivers a profound sense of 'flow'; being in the right place at the right time. In this Module, uncover the clues that tell you when you’re ready to embrace your life purpose.

“What does life want for you?” Find your answer to this question and use it to develop the inner compass that sets your direction in life and guides you in all you be and do.



MODULE 10: Discover Your Real Inner Beauty

Discover your REAL inner beauty by embrace the magic of reframing, viewing aspects of yourself as positives not negatives. It’s truly life changing!

Get ready to CREATE a life in which you accept and love yourself, embrace your uniqueness and vulnerabilities, and (completely) give up feeling judged, or hurt by anything others say or do. 


MODULE 11: Manifest Deep Lasting Personal Change

Deep, lasting personal change opens you up to your life’s purpose. Life delivers growth opportunities daily, but without shifting each piece to your ‘new way of being’ it slips away and you revert to living as you always have.

Making changes by consciously choosing work, relationships, avocations, creative pursuits, etc., are fulfilling ways to begin living at higher levels of awareness.


MODULE 12: Attain Balance & Unleash Your Personal Power

In this Module, learn how to attain life balance and maintain it in your fully conscious life.

Achieving balance enables you to utilize your personal power to attract the breakthroughs that equip you to achieve the best results in all areas of your life.




NOW ONLY $800!


Purchase Modules 1 - 9
Receive Bonus Modules 10 - 12 Absolutely Free!




All 9 Modules PLUS 3 BONUS MODULES with introductory webinar: total program is 38 hours of CCE units

Credits also apply to Continuing Education credits for those with the BCC (Board Certified Coach)

Early bird price for whole program $800

Regular Price: $1040

Reserve your spot and be one of the first to receive the early bird pricing!


Emotional Literacy Academy Course

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Part 1: Modules 1 through 3 plus introductory webinar
Price: $300

Part 2:
Modules 4 through 6

Price: $300

Part 3:
Modules 7 through 9

Price: $300


Emotional Literacy
Academy Course

I'll do it in parts!

No spam. Only relevant offers.


 If ICF credit is requested for the full program, you will be required to document completion of exercises with each module. 

Partial credit is available for modules completed.